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Note: This text was originally published on my Medium blog on September, 2020..

Scenario: Link to heading

We are developing an SPA with a robust architecture and want to make it available in three different environments: Development, Stage (QA), and Production (we might also have two production environments). Each version of the App should consume the APIs of their respective environments.

Problem: Link to heading

The packaging does not allow for environment variables to be changed at runtime.

Solution: Link to heading

There are some solutions available, but here we will deal with one that is very simple to apply. In this specific case, we will be making changes in a project started from “create-react-app”, but there’s nothing to prevent the solution from being used with other technologies, such as Vue.

1 — Organization of and storage of environment variables Link to heading

Let’s start by creating 3 files (one for each environment) in the public folder:

React Env Vars

Inside the files we will save the values inside the Window object, which represents the browser window. Our variables will be saved within the ENV attribute (the name here makes no difference, it could be window.VARIABLES or window.API).

Our files (config-dev, config-qa and config-prod) should look like this, with their respective routes:

React Env Vars

Now we need to create a config.js in the root of the public folder, which is where our app will consume the routes. The Archive can be empty for now, as we will automatically generate its contents from the files we created previously.

In the end, our public folder looked like this:

React Env Vars

2 — Declare config.js before React runs Link to heading

We need to call our config.js directly in index.html to save our variables in the browser before the services are run (which would result in undefined):

React Env Vars

3 — Configure services Link to heading

Now we need to make our services consume the routes saved in the window object. For organization, let’s create an environments folder inside our project with a single file index.js and just one line of code:

React Env Vars

Now with a simple import ENV from '@environments' we can access the routes and consume them in our services.

4 — Configure local development environment Link to heading

We need to configure our local development environment so that it is possible to use the npm run {env} command and automatically generate the content of the config.js file we previously created.

Let’s execute npm install cpy-cli to install the cpy-cli library, which allows us to copy and rename files.

Now let’s configure the scripts in package.json:

"scripts": {  
"dev": "npm run env:dev && node scripts/start.js",  
"qa": "npm run env:qa && node scripts/start.js",  
"prod": "npm run env:prod && node scripts/start.js",  
"env:dev": "cpy ./public/config/config-dev.js ./public/ --rename=config.js",  
"env:qa": "cpy ./public/config/config-qa.js ./public/ --rename=config.js",  
"env:prod": "cpy ./public/config/config-prod.js ./public/ --rename=config.js",  
"start": "npm run env:dev && node scripts/start.js",  
"build": "node scripts/build.js",  
"test": "node scripts/test.js"  

When we execute an npm run {env}, our script will copy the config-{env} file to the root of the public folder and rename it to config.js, replacing the current file (which in this case is empty).

5 — Shell Script and Docker Link to heading

We’ll create a shell script (for organization, this could be passed directly in the Dockerfile):

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Configuring environment for ${ARG1}"
cp "/opt/bitnami/nginx/html/config/config-${ARG1}.js" /opt/bitnami/nginx/html/config.js
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
# set -o xtrace # Uncomment this line for debugging
# Load libraries
. /opt/bitnami/scripts/libbitnami.sh
. /opt/bitnami/scripts/libnginx.sh
# Load NGINX environment variables
. /opt/bitnami/scripts/nginx-env.sh
info "** Starting NGINX setup **"
info "** NGINX setup finished! **"
echo ""
exec "nginx -g 'daemon off;'"

and we will save it as environment-tag.sh inside our public folder’s config directory.

When executing the container, docker run, we will pass a parameter (in this case dev, qa, or prod), our shell file will receive this parameter, assign it to ARG1, and from there copy the respective file (config-dev, config-qa, or config-prod) to the root of the public folder (which will definitely be consumed).

Now we need to configure our Dockerfile to execute the shell script:

FROM node:12.14.0 as build-stage
COPY package*.json public config scripts src ./  ./
RUN npm install && \
npm run-script build
FROM bitnami/nginx:1.17
COPY --from=build-stage /usr/build/ /opt/bitnami/nginx/html
COPY nginx.conf /opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
USER 0:0
RUN ["/bin/bash", "-c", "chmod +x /opt/bitnami/nginx/html/config/environment-tag.sh"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/bitnami/nginx/html/config/environment-tag.sh"]
CMD ["dev"]

USER runs chmod as root.
ENTRYPOINT executes the shell script.
CMD defines a default parameter, which can be changed by command line when executing the container: docker run [image-name] {arg}.

Ready. Now we can save time by generating just one image and making as many deploys as we want in as many environments as we want:

docker build --tag project:1.0 . // build
docker run -ti project {env} // replace {env} with dev, qa, or prod